Our Gift Cards are sent on letterpressed stationary with denomination, gift certificate code and information on how to redeem. We will also email you a digital copy of the gift card with the same information.

The Kathleen Whitaker Gift Card is provided as a unique code redeemable at only. This is a one-time code, so please treat it like cash. Kathleen Whitaker is not responsible for lost or stolen Gift Cards.

The Gift Card is redeemable on all product categories  (Classic and Objects Collections) and sales
at It can also be used to place a custom order.

It cannot be used to purchase other Kathleen Whitaker Gift Cards. Promotional offers and discounts cannot be applied to the purchase of Gift Cards. Valid in US Dollars only.

Your Gift Card amount may be used towards your total order, including shipping and tax. Gift Cards never expire, are nonrefundable and cannot be transferred, exchanged, resold, or redeemed for cash (except where required by law).

If you spend a partial amount of your Gift Card please contact us. We will issue you a new code for your remaining value.

Unredeemed value on lost or stolen Gift Cards will only be replaced if purchaser’s confirmation email is presented as proof of purchase and we confirm the Gift Card has not already been redeemed in full. We are not responsible for Gift Cards that are undeliverable or not received for any reason.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Thank you!